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David vs. Goliath in the Farm Machinery Sector 

On warm summer nights as a child, my father would tell me the story of David and Goliath as I drifted off to sleep. It’s a story just about everyone knows. A single, well-aimed shot from his sling enabled David to overcome the giant warrior and emerge victorious. We’re starting to see the proverb unfold in the farm machinery and equipment sector.  

Today’s Goliath is behemoth manufacturers who command significant marketshare and wield massive power over their customers. There’s no doubt about the quality of the machinery and equipment they produce. But much like the biblical giant, they exert their power over farmers in ways that ultimately restrict their freedom to choose the best specific equipment and machinery for their farms.   

The David in our story is the farmer customers who already face enough challenges in raising crops to grow their farms and provide for their families. Now they face a new challenge in acquiring the machinery and equipment they need to do their jobs. The right equipment isn’t always the most readily available, and the largest manufacturers have the economy of scale to offer discounts, exclusive deals and other sales tactics that make it nearly impossible for farmers to pass them up. So they’re left with machinery and equipment that does a good job, just not a great job.   

Farmers today have a lot of choices, and with so much information at their disposal, they can make informed purchase decisions based on their own research on the best-suited machinery and equipment for their farms. But even when they know the specific machines that will be the best fits, they’re sometimes compelled to purchase other choices out of budgetary and service concerns with the “Goliaths” of the industry. This effectively limits farmers’ access to the farm equipment and machinery they need, and for the manufacturers who don’t fall in the Goliath category, it can limit the future development of technology and innovations that can contribute to higher productivity and efficiency down the road.   

Once they enter a cycle of equipment purchases from a single manufacturer, farmers often find themselves depending on that manufacturer for everything from routine maintenance to major repairs and future machinery trade-ins and purchases. As a result, they’re wholly dependent on that manufacturer and his or her local dealership for everything from minor wear parts to new machines. And for the latter, that often means they have limited options and are left with machinery and equipment at comes close to meeting their needs. But it doesn’t quite hit the mark.   

But just like David fell Goliath, farmers can emerge victorious. Brand allegiance is increasingly a thing of the past in the farm machinery market. With more options at their disposal, they can better match what they buy to what they need to get done. Stepping out of sometimes longstanding business relationships isn’t easy. That’s especially true when things like pricing incentives make it easy to stay in the same cycle with the same manufacturer.   

But once that happens, farmers see just how much more productive and efficient they can be when they walk onto a more level playing field among farm machinery manufacturers. And that will help move agriculture forward, creating new resilience and prosperity for farmers for generations to come. That will be the proverbial stone from David’s sling that takes down the giant Goliath who was once thought invincible.   

See how CLAAS FARMPOINT can be that stone for you and your farm operation.